Thursday, 25 June 2009

Argyll Beach

This photo was taken on a lonely Argyl & bute beach near the town of Campbeltown Mull of Kintyre, Scotland.


  1. OH..I so want to jump into that photo and get sand between my toes!! =) Love your new header as well. =)

  2. Beautiful landscape picture with complementary colors orange and blue.

  3. Hey Alex ! I'm with Paris, will be right behind her running out onto this beach... I'm ready for some R&R at the beach !!! Maybe we can have a beach day and then a big bonfire when the sun goes down... I'll bring the guitar... hope you are well...

  4. PS And like Paris, your rainbow header photo is gorgeous...

  5. Lovely photo....lonely beaches are my favorite place to be!
    Thank you for stopping by to wish me a happy Independence day....very sweet of you!
    I'll save some of my famous macaroni salad for you. : )
