Monday, 13 July 2009

Snails Pace

This little guy was climbing along my summer seat bench cover, in the rain. You've got to like these creatures.


  1. Incredible photo of something so small! How DO you do it?! I need some tips! :)

    Happy Monday!

  2. Hi Amelia, i use a 70-300mm lens on the macro setting, and just shoot. I had to be quick here as the snail was moving quite fast lol. Cheers Amelia i am glad you like my photos. Your welcome to download any photos you like.

  3. great colors and composition in this photo, Alex. I love these slimy little guys! lol
    And in response to your question....I don't know why my blog was not responding....just computer trouble I suppose.

  4. Just dropping by to see how you are doing. Take care! :)

  5. is the fantastic view of the snail, very good macro.

    A greeting

  6. I wish my summer would slow down to the pace of this snail.
    Hope all is well with you, Alex.
