Monday, 30 March 2009

Auld Kirk

This foto was taken in my town, Ayr Scotland, the graveyard is over two hundred years old.


  1. I like this one alot, but then I like cemeteries in general. Some of these stones look like they have alot of writing on them, would love to be able to read some of the stories they tell... history becomes personal in graveyards...

  2. Good shot, a mommnet in history!

  3. Very spooky. I have a thing for old graveyards in Europe.

  4. I love these old graveyards. I lived in Ayr's sister town, Saint-Germain-en-Laye for 25 years and though I've been to Scotland many times, I've not yet made it to Ayr. :-(

  5. ahhh, what stories lay beneath this ground.
    The B&W is perfect for this shot of the old graveyard.
